
A visit to friends and three sisters
A visit to friends and three sisters

a visit to friends and three sisters

I use stones, plants, water and the very land itself to create the art I truly enjoy.Īll three of my daughters, who are the namesake of the Three Sisters Sanctuary have encouraged and contributed to this ever evolving outdoor healing space.

a visit to friends and three sisters

Creator and caretaker of the three sisters sanctuary. I am an environmental artist from the land of Goshen. Recognized as a “Place of Great Beauty” in the Pioneer Valley, young and old will enjoy a visit to mystical and enchanting gardens. She strives for high quality teaching and equal opportunities for all students.Three Sisters Sanctuary Three Sisters Sanctuary has something for everyone!

a visit to friends and three sisters

She is affiliated with the track Analytical Chemistry of the combined UvA/VU Chemistry master’s degree programme, where she was hired for the renewal of the education program and methods. Lotte Schreuders obtained her master's degree in Chemistry from the UvA in 2020 and subsequently was appointed junior lecturer at the UvA's Faculty of Science. Last year she competed for the Spotlight prize of the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society with a 1 minute video pitch of her research.

a visit to friends and three sisters

Investigating the chemistry of light-induced degradation, the project will provide new insights to protect works of art, to improve water purification systems and to ensure the quality and safety of food. Mimi den Uijl obtained her master's degree in Chemistry from the UvA in 2018 and has since been a PhD student at the TooCOLD project. Last year she gained media attention with her efforts in 3D-printing for separation science. She then started working as a PhD student in the STAMP project aimed at obtaining a peak capacity of one million in liquid-phase analytical separations. Noor Abdulhussain obtained her master's degree in Chemistry from the UvA in 2017. In fact, the absence of such role models made us doubt our own career paths. Making chemists more visible in everyday life is one of their goals, says Mimi: "You hardly find them on social media, you don’t see them on the news or in movies or shows. Mimi: "With Sisters in Science we hope to reach anyone interested in what the ‘science world' is all about, to inspire young people to pursue a career in science and to connect with our fellow scientists on the platform." This all nicely lines up with the goal of the United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science, to be held next Thursday, 11 February. As a result, the trio jointly launched their Instagram account. "Let alone that he or she would look anything like us."Ī desire grew to show younger generations, and in fact anyone not familiar with the academic world, that being a scientist (and in particular a chemist) can be a regular career path to anyone. "Among the three of us we noticed that when we were younger, we never knew what a being a scientist actually meant", says Mimi. They discussed the general image of a scientist in a lab, which usually boils down to a white man of age with crazy Einstein-like hair. The idea for the Instagram account came up in a discussion between Mimi, Lotte, and Noor, who became friends during their studies in chemistry at the UvA.

  • International Symposium on Carbene and Nitrene Chemistry.
  • Three analytical chemists become 'Sisters in Science' on Instagram - HIMS - University of Amsterdam icon-ENvlag icon-LinkedIn icon-NLvlag icon-arrow-curved icon-arrow-left icon-arrow-right icon-arrow-top icon-arrow-up icon-bullhorn icon-calendar-source icon-calendar icon-checkmark icon-chevron icon-clock icon-close icon-download icon-externallink icon-facebook icon-feedback icon-filters icon-flickr icon-google-plus icon-gridview icon-hamburger icon-hat icon-heart icon-instagram icon-internallink icon-lang-en icon-lang-nl icon-language icon-listview icon-loading icon-mail icon-menu icon-mobile icon-notification-error icon-notification-info icon-pencil icon-phone icon-pin icon-pinterest icon-playbtn icon-rss icon-search icon-send icon-twitter icon-upload icon-usp-alarm icon-usp-award icon-usp-bullseye icon-usp-calendar icon-usp-city-amsterdam icon-usp-city-skyline icon-usp-clock-half icon-usp-clock icon-usp-deadline icon-usp-degree icon-usp-fieldwork icon-usp-hat icon-usp-lab icon-usp-law icon-usp-money-stacks icon-usp-money icon-usp-order-alt icon-usp-order icon-usp-person-blank icon-usp-person-female icon-usp-person-male icon-usp-persons-blank icon-usp-persons-gender icon-usp-ribbon icon-usp-signpost icon-usp-world icon-whatsapp icon-youtube icon-zoom-in

    A visit to friends and three sisters